Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing

Transfer pricing relates to the price non-arm’s length entities located in different jurisdictions charge each other for goods and services. The tax rules related to transfer pricing are complex and governments are increasingly proactive in scrutinising transfer pricing policies and practices. Government audits of transfer pricing activities can be time consuming and stressful, and the penalties for running afoul of transfer pricing rules can be significant. We are engage with our Partner who eligible to provide Transfer Pricing Doc.

Below are what we can do for Transfer Pricing:

  • Preparing TP documentation
  • Segmenting the taxpayer’s financials
  • Advising the taxpayer on how to adjust the legal form of controlled transactions
  • Representing the taxpayer in negotiations with the SRS
  • Providing TP defense strategy & customs
  • Preparing an advance pricing agreement request
  • Assessing the taxpayer’s TP risks


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